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The following pages provide information for Doctors from India (called overseas Doctor in UK!) about Surgical Training in UK. A similar structure exists for other fields (Medicine, OBG etc) and even such trainees can utilize these pages, but contact the relevant royal college instead.

It takes 6 months to 1 year to gather the information, establish the necessary communication, arrange exam dates, interview dates, VISA etc. Prospective candidates should be aware of this and are advised to think and plan well before.

Despite being aware of this often first hand experience on arrival at UK can be different. A short period of clinical attachment in the relevant specialty is always beneficial in assessing the work pattern, the language, social and cultural difference.
The essential difference one would notice would be a very frequent usage of polite gestures like 'please', and 'thank you'. It is essential to practice this to avoid being called 'a rude overseas Doctor'.
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