281. The average length of the human brain is about 167 mm and its average height is 93mm.
282. There are about 30 - 40 billion white blood cells present in our body to fight against infective and foreign organisms.
283. All the blood in our body passes 400 times through each kidney per day.
284. The human Liver consists of 100,000 tiny clusters called lobules.
285. On an average, the human stomach holds about 2 liters of contents.
286. The human sense of smell has the ability to identify the chemical smell of an object in one part per trillion of air.
287. An average capillary is only 1mm.
288. On an average, 100, 000 to 1000, 000 chemical reactions takes place in our brain.
289. Liver cells take several years to replace themselves.
290. The white part of our fingernail is called as Lunula.
291. We are more likely to catch cold from a person by shaking his hand than from his sneeze.
292. The shoulder blade is connected to the body by means of 15 different muscles and it is not attached to a single bone.
293. A healthy liver processes 720 liters of blood per day.
294. Plaque begins to form 6 hours after brushing our teeth.
295. Newborns will cry out without tears for the first three to six weeks.
296. The Nervous system transmits messages to the brain at the speed of 180 miles per hour.
297. Women have better sense of smell than men
298. The wax present inside the ear is made up of oil and sweat.
299. The female body is capable of giving birth to 35 children in one lifetime.
300. The spinal cord, which controls over 10 billion nerve cells, is less than two feet in length and its diameter is same as that of the index finger.