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Uneven skin tone? Learn about hyperpigmentation causes, treatments & how to achieve a brighter complexion.
Hairloss or Alopecia calculator for men predicts your chances of going bald depending on your inheritance and stress level. Baldness Calculator provides information on hairloss facts.
Scientists have developed a self-healing gel that mimics human skin, offering groundbreaking potential for medical and tech applications.
Topical mupirocin helps reduce inflammation in lupus, offering a potential new approach for managing symptoms and improving skin health.
Researchers have identified the key role of vitamin D and the enzyme CYP24A1 in keloid scar development, offering a promising new treatment approach.
Discover the hidden inflammation in psoriasis patients' intestines, its link to leaky gut, and the increased risk of Crohn's disease.
Your body has a warning system that acts like a doctor. It functions 24*7 and acts like your own personal doctor. It is time to get it out and let it speak for itself.
Labs now offer hair analysis to diagnose diseases, deficiencies, or drug abuse. But how reliable is hair analysis? It is used also to even catch criminals.
Ultraviolet radiations are electromagnetic radiations with wavelengths shorter than the shortest wavelength of visible light, ' the rays beyond the rainbow'.
Vampire facial or vampire facelift or platelet-rich plasma facial is a skin beauty treatment made popular by Kim Kardashian. A sample of your blood is drawn and the liquid portion or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is injected into the skin by microneedling to improve skin tone and texture.
Botox injections, the fastest growing cosmetic procedures, are considered as the ultimate fountain of eternal youth.
Here are the 7 most-sought after-treatment options for cellulite and 7 natural remedies to reduce the appearance of cellulite on thighs, hips and buttocks.