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Aedes aegypti mosquito breeds in the small openings, flower pots, potentially in stagnant and all storage water containers near human dwelling.
Dengue fever is not contagious. Dengue fever does not spread directly from person to person. It is transmitted by the bite of mosquitoes carrying the dengue virus from the infected person to the healthy person. These mosquitoes bite during the day.
Dengue virus belongs to the family Flaviviridae of the genus Flavivirus and can be typically divided into four viral serotypes, DEN -1, DEN - 2, DEN - 3, DEN -4 they are closely related , but differ in their antigens.
“Dengvaxia” first dengue vaccine approved by WHO to prevent Dengue. There is no cure for dengue, but it can be prevented. Person affected with dengue fever should not take aspirin. Dengue fever is caused by virus and hence cannot be cured by antibiotics.