It's been five years since Dr. Stockmans recognized how valuableSurgiCase(R) is to hand and wrist surgeons faced with challenging surgeries:malunions, non-unions or some instances of congenital deformity. Thecomprehensive service, which centers on the use of CT/MRI scanned images,consists of three components: virtual surgery planning, the generation of 3Dpatient models, and the construction of cut and drill guides custom-fit tothe patient. It gives the surgeon the capability to try multiple approachesto complicated procedures before entering the operation room. Workingtogether, these components help the surgeon repair complex 3D deformationsthat would otherwise be impossible to treat using conventional 2D techniques.
Dr. Stockmans has published his successful case histories in the latestissue of Orthopreneur. About SurgiCase(R) increased visibility, he says:"After five years of preparatory studies, I'm thrilled that SurgiCase(R)Orthopaedics is finally being introduced to the surgical community. Thepossibility of visualizing the pathology in 3D and trying differentapproaches prior to going into surgery is tremendous. Individualized cut anddrill guides have helped me shorten the intervention period, enabling me totreat more cases in the same amount of time. The engineers at Materialise arevery professional. I feel much more confident going into the OR."
Materialise launched SurgiCase(R) Orthopaedics in the United States atthe ASSH. With the development of its SurgiCase(R) cut and drill guides,Materialise will take a huge step towards putting custom tools into the handsof hand and wrist surgeons.
SOURCE Materialise