The NIKO(TM) Corpectomy Spacer System incorporates three saggital profileswithin the implant system, each which contain at least nine preset heights.The resulting lordosis is contained in the endplate angles and within theshape of the implant itself, enabling surgeons to match the natural anatomy ofthe body. This feature allows NIKO(TM) to be immediately implanted, comparedto multi-step competitive systems, by eliminating the assembly time ofstackable cages or the cutting required with mesh cages.
"NIKO(TM) is an innovative approach to corpectomies, as it's simplicitysaves interoperative time and the flexibility of preset options allows thesurgeon to effectively treat the pathology. The system offers surgeons astraightforward alternative to mesh and stackable cages, while the eliminationof interoperative implant alterations saves valuable time in the operatingroom. This is better for both surgeons and patients," said Dr. Nilesh Kotecha,MD, Neurosurgeon, Great Lakes Brain & Spine Institute, Jackson MI.
The addition of the NIKO(TM) Corpectomy Spacer enhances Globus Medical'sproduct portfolio for meeting the clinical demands of spine surgery andspecifically compliments the expandable and radiolucent XPand(R) R corpectomycage. By meeting the demands of both routine and complex pathology, GlobusMedical has an ability unmatched in the industry to serve the needs ofsurgeons who perform multilevel corpectomies due to trauma, tumors, andadvanced degenerative disease.
"The ease-of-use and flexibility of NIKO(TM) reflects Globus Medical'ssuperior engineering and commitment to advancing technology for the spine,"said, Bill Rhoda, Director of Product Development, Intervertebral Fixation,"With NIKO(TM) and XPand (R) R, we continue to provide spine surgeons with acomprehensive portfolio of clinical solutions that are specifically designedto enhance surgical performance and improve patient outcomes."
About Globus Medical, Inc.
Globus Medical, Inc. is one of the ten largest spinal implantmanufacturers in the world, with more than $120 million in annualizedrevenues. Based in Audubon, Pa., the privately held company was founded in2003 by an experienced team of spine professionals with a shared vision tocreate products that enable spine surgeons to employ both fusion and non-fusion solutions to promote healing in patients with spinal disorders. GlobusMedical has a full portfolio of spinal fusion products, burgeoning initiativesin biomaterials development and minimally invasive approaches, and is amongthe world leaders in the development of motion sparing technology. Additionalinformation can be accessed at
SOURCE Globus Medical, Inc.