
Hairline Research Shows That 75% of IT Professionals With Hair Loss Suffer From Hypertension

Thursday, November 3, 2016 Hypertension News
BANGALORE, November 3, 2016 /PRNewswire/ --

85% of patients in the age group of 25-35 years suffering from hair loss are hypertensive. Of these, over 75% of individuals are from the IT sector and lead a sedentary life. These are some of the alarming results of a research by Hairline International Research Center which shows that hair loss is an indicator of hypertensive ailments as well.

The study conducted in Hairline International Research & Treatment Center in Bangalore across the 6 outlets between the period of August 2014 and July 2016 covers 1000 patients. Of the 1000 patients who were studied, 80% are in early stages of hair loss at varying intensities and 65% of the patients have a family history of hair loss.

Speaking on the study, Dr. Premalatha, Dermatosurgeon, Hairline International said, "The results of this study demonstrate an association between hypertension and Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA/hair loss). These findings show that AGA maybe considered as a clinical marker of a risk for hypertension, among other metabolic ailments."

Speaking on this research, Ms. Bani Anand, Founder and Managing Director of Hairline International Hair and Skin Clinic said, "Quality research has been the foundation of all the services that we offer. The results of this research give us a better insight into the treatment we can offer a patient, as well as help make a difference to their personal lifestyles."

In the time leading up to the research, examination of patients at Hairline International revealed an interesting pattern where in most cases of AGA, the underlying causes were found to be that of metabolic disorders such as coronary heart disease, obesity and hormonal disorders.

Routine examinations reveal that those presenting with AGA typically are Type A individuals faced with a lot of stress and therefore with a predisposition to developing hypertension at an early age, along with AGA. This study reinforces the thought that AGA may be an indicator for hypertension risk among patients.

The results of this study have a two-fold benefit. As a research center dedicated to supporting the medical management of hair and skin ailments, such results help doctors create a highly customized treatment protocol for a patient based on the symptoms they display. Secondly, being able to recognize the risk of the onset of such ailments ensures that the doctors can prescribe lifestyle altering changes that will help patients improve their quality of life.

About Hairline International Hair and Skin Clinic:  

Hairline International Hair and Skin Clinic brings top-quality international procedures, machinery and treatment packages to deal with hair, skin and beauty issues across the spectrum for men and women. Hairline has a panel of dermatologists, dermatosurgeons, diabetologists, gynecologists, general physicians and nutritionists on board to tackle hair and skin issues holistically. Hairline also has a lab where all the blood work takes place, called Bioterra. There are 6 centers in Indiranagar, Whitefield, Marathahalli, Jayanagar, Richmond Road and RT Nagar.

For more details log on to:

Media Contact: Veda Pawan Hairline International [email protected] +91-80-40937765

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