
Reportlinker Adds Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing Industry in the U.S. and its International Trade [Q4 2009 Edition]

Wednesday, December 16, 2009 Press Release
NEW YORK, Dec. 15 announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:

Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing Industry in the U.S. and its International Trade [Q4 2009 Edition]

The newly published Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing Industry report provides the latest market research on the industry. Its comprehensive scope contains analysis on the industry's key financial data, competitive landscape, upstream and downstream industries, and trends and opportunities within the context of the current economic environment.

Over the past 3 years, the industry has shown a strong growth in exports, at approximately 11% constant annual growth. This growth in international trade is further analyzed in the report's export section covering major trade partners. The downstream analysis section of this industry reveals a large dependency on personal consumption. Understanding the recessionary effects on consumer consumption for products within this industry is essential.

This December report's 175 pages and over 150 charts and tables cover the most recent information on the domestic market, global market and overseas growth opportunities. Find month to month data on shipments, inventory, and foreign trade through September 2009. Relying on the most current information, over a decade of historic data, and sophisticated forecasting, the report projects the macroeconomic industry trends up to 2013. The report's inclusive scope reveals a breadth of topics from international trade to industry structure, while also delving into the details such as market sizes of products and players. Industry experts consider this report the most comprehensive and consistently updated guide to the industry.

In this report, you will find industry data on the following major categories:

Executive Summary

Industry Income Statement

Industry Balance Sheet

Capital Expenditure

Industry Cost Analysis

Industry Pricing Analysis

Industry Foreign Trade

Industry Structure

Competitive Landscape

Definition & Classification

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing in-vivo diagnostic substances and pharmaceutical preparations (except biological) intended for internal and external consumption in dose forms, such as ampoules, tablets, capsules, vials, ointments, powders, solutions, and suspensions. This 6-digit NAICS industry (325412) is under the hierarchy of Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing Industry (32541), Chemical Manufacturing Subsector (325), and the Manufacturing Sector (31-33). Its SIC equivalent codes are: 2834 - Pharmaceutical Preparations ; and 2835 - In Vitro and In Vivo Diagnostic Substances (except in-vitro diagnostic substances).

Revenue, Profitability & Foreign Trade Preview

The industry's revenue for the year 2008 was approximately $145.3 billion USD, with an estimated gross profit of 67.29%. Import was valued at $46.7 billion USD from 76 countries. The industry also exported $23.9 billion USD worth of merchandise to 191 countries. Adding import value to and subtracting export value from the industry's shipment value, the total domestic demand for the industry in 2008 was $168.1 billion USD.

Report Summary

This 175-page research report covers the industry with a comprehensive view while delivering a depth of information in key areas. Supply and demand data details U.S. shipments and international trade in the context of the industry's capacity utilization. Industry level income statements, balance sheets, and capital expenditure analysis allow for financial benchmarking. In the cost analysis section, 52 upstream industries are analyzed to offer insight into the supply chain cost structure. For the channel and pricing structure, 31 downstream industries are analyzed. The competitive landscape section provides the number of companies and their respective revenue share, the market concentration, and a list of major players. All related trade associations, industry standards, and trade publications are also listed. These elements are accompanied by over 150 labeled charts and tables, organized to best convey the myriad data within the report.

Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, manufacturers, international top consulting firms, major retailers and wholesalers, professional trade associations, financial corporations, universities, governmental entities, start-ups and individuals. We are committed to providing the highest level of quality to all our clients and assure your satisfaction in the report delivering as promised.

To order this report:

Pharmaceutical Industry: Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing Industry in the U.S. and its International Trade [Q4 2009 Edition]

More Market Research Report

-- Quick Industry Statistics: 2-page overview for the CEO on the run -- Supply & Demand with Capacity Utilization -- 2009 Monthly Shipments, Inventory, and Trade Data -- 2009-2013 Forecast

SOURCE Reportlinker
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