
Sigma-Aldrich Signs Agreement With Plextronics to Distribute Plexcore(R) Organic Electronics Materials

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 General News
ST. LOUIS, June 10 Sigma-Aldrich (Nasdaq: SIAL)announced today that the Company has signed an agreement with Plextronics,Inc., a leading innovator of technology for printed electronics, to distributeits organic semiconductors and conductive inks.

Under the terms of the agreement, Sigma-Aldrich will exclusivelydistribute research quantities of Plexcore(R) OS organic semiconductingpolymers and Plexcore(R) OC organic conductive inks globally through theAldrich(R) Materials Science initiative of its Research Specialties business.Plextronics will continue to work closely with industry partners to delivercommercial quantities of the materials and focus on development of itsPlexcore(R) technology.

Printed electronics -- an emerging industry that takes advantage ofprinting technology to manufacture electronics devices -- holds manypossibilities for new applications including printed organic solar cells,radio frequency identification (RFID) tags and flexible displays.

From a technology standpoint, each of these applications requires one ormore conductive layers that can be integrated with organic semiconductors andother solution-processed materials to form multilayer electronic devices on avariety of substrates. Plexcore(R) OS is an organic semiconducting polymer,known chemically as Poly(3-Hexyl Thiophene) (P3HT) and available in twohigh-purity (electronics) grades optimized for use in organic transistors andsolar cells. Plexcore(R) OC is a solution-processable organic conductive inkspecifically developed for use as a charge-transport layer in organic lightemitting diodes and solar cells. Together, the two types of Plexcore(R)materials offer a reliable technology platform for research in organicelectronics.

CEO of Plextronics Andy Hannah indicated that the partnership withSigma-Aldrich is an important one for the company. "The easier we make it forthe research community to access our materials, the more innovation we canspur in the printed electronics field. Sigma-Aldrich has a world-classdistribution network, and it is that access and expertise that we are lookingfor to help us put Plextronics' products into the hands of today's leadingresearchers," said Hannah.

"Scientists and engineers working to advance the rapidly developing fieldof printed electronics depend on the availability of high quality standardmaterials that they can use as foundations to develop new materials anddevices. Plexcore(R) technology is such a reliable foundation, and Aldrich'scollaboration with Plextronics will ensure that this technology will bereadily available to researchers around the world," added Dr. Ilya Koltover,Technology Transfer Manager of Sigma-Aldrich Chemistry business.

To learn more about the Plexcore(R) and other organic electronicsmaterials, visit

About Sigma-Aldrich: Sigma-Aldrich is a leading Life Science and HighTechnology company. Its biochemical and organic chemical products and kits areused in scientific and genomic research, biotechnology, pharmaceuticaldevelopment, the diagnosis of disease and as key components in pharmaceuticaland other high technology manufacturing. The Company has customers in lifescience companies, university and government institutions, hospitals, and inindustry. Over one million scientists and technologists use its products.Sigma-Aldrich operates in 36 countries and has over 7,900 employees providingexcellent service worldwide. Sigma-Aldrich is committed to AcceleratingCustomer Success through Leadership in Life Science, High Technology andService. For more information about Sigma-Aldrich, please visit itsaward-winning website at

About Plextronics: Plextronics, Inc. is a leading innovator of technologyfor printed electronics. The printed electronics market comprisesnext-generation light, power and circuitry products, in
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