
TriWest Healthcare Alliance Stands With Military Partners In Recognizing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Day

Wednesday, June 27, 2012 Hypertension News
June 27, 2012 While today marks Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Day,  TriWest Healthcare Alliance remains firm in its commitment to stand alongside its U.S. military and TRICARE partners in the mission to prevent PTSD and the effects it has on America's military families—not just today, but every day.

"The bottom line is, we will continue to work shoulder-to-shoulder with our military partners to help address the continuing challenges of military suicides and to get to the heart of the situation: the health and wellness of our military families," said TriWest President and CEO David J. McIntyre, Jr.

While PTSD can impact anyone, a decade of war has hit America's military families particularly hard. A recent Associated Press report noted 154 active duty troops committed suicide in the first 155 days of this year—nearly double the amount of U.S. forces killed in action in Afghanistan.

Supporting America's MilitaryTriWest has engaged in several programs to aid military personnel and their families. They include:

If you or someone you know is exhibiting symptoms of PTSD, help is available. Military families in the TRICARE West Region can call 1-866-284-3743 or visit TriWest's Behavioral Health Portal. Or, contact the Suicide Prevention Life Line at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and press "1" to speak to a counselor.

About TriWestTriWest Healthcare Alliance has been On a Mission to Serve® America's military families since 1996. We connect our 2.9 million military members, retirees and families across 21 western states to more than 175,000 high-quality health care providers. It's our honor to deliver award-winning customer service through a team of 1,700 people, half of whom have military connections. Life in the military has its challenges—accessing health care shouldn't be one of them. Join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and our blog.

SOURCE TriWest Healthcare Alliance

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