
Codexis Appoints Singapore Laboratories Managing Director

Tuesday, August 21, 2007 General News
REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Aug. 21 Codexis, Inc., a privatebiotechnology company, today announced the appointment of Thomas Daussmann,Ph.D., to the new position of Vice President and Managing Director of CodexisLaboratories Singapore Pte. Ltd. CLS is the company's first facility in Asia.Dr. Daussmann will report to Alan Shaw, Ph.D., President and CEO.

"We are very pleased to name Dr. Daussmann to this important new positionon the Codexis senior management team," Dr. Shaw said. "Thomas has built astrong track record of accomplishment as managing director of Codexis' JulichChiral Solutions subsidiary, and he is a widely-respected scientist in thefield of biocatalysis. He will play an equally critical role in building thecompany's Asian research and development presence."

Since 1999, Dr. Daussmann has served as managing director of Julich ChiralSolutions, (previously JFC-Julich Fine Chemicals), the Codexis enzyme andintermediates manufacturing facility in Germany. JFC was acquired by Codexisin 2005. Dr. Daussmann has authored or co-authored more than 25 scientificpublication articles on biocatalytic manufacturing, and is named on numerouspatent applications in the field. He received his bachelor's degree in biologyfrom the University of Karlsruhe, his master's degree in biotechnology fromthe University of Kaiserslautern, and his Ph.D. degree in microbiology fromthe Research Centre in Julich (all in Germany). His doctoral study wasconducted under the supervision of Professor Christian Wandrey, University ofBonn, a respected authority in biotechnology research.

Build-out has begun on the 20,000-square-foot research center in theScience Park III area of Singapore. It is scheduled to open this fall as anexpansion of Codexis U.S. research and development operations. CLS will beable to house up to 80 research and operations personnel. Bio*One Capital Pte.Ltd. of Singapore led the Codexis Series D private financing round in August2006.

Codexis, Inc., a clean technology company, is a leading developer ofbiocatalytic process technologies that can substantially reduce the cost ofmanufacturing across a broad range of industries. These technologies enablenovel solutions for efficient, cost-effective and environmentally-friendlyprocesses for pharmaceutical, energy and industrial chemical applications. In2006, the U.S. EPA recognized Codexis with a Presidential Green ChemistryChallenge Award. Codexis is a registered trademark of Codexis, Inc. For moreinformation, please visit

Contact: Justin Jackson,, Burns McClellan,

212-213-0006, or Lyn Christenson,,


SOURCE Codexis, Inc.
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