
'Let Your Light Shine' During Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 Hypertension News
PR Newswire

WASHINGTON, Oct. 15, 2024

The Pulmonary Hypertension Association's "Let Your Light Shine" campaign celebrates how the pulmonary hypertension community shines by advocating, fundraising, volunteering and raising awareness.

WASHINGTON, Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Every November, the Pulmonary Hypertension Association launches a national campaign to raise awareness about pulmonary hypertension. This progressive, rare condition is defined by high blood pressure in the lungs and can cause right heart failure and even death.

For this year's PH Awareness Month, PHA is launching the "Let Your Light Shine" campaign to celebrate the dedication and impactful efforts of the PH community as they raise awareness, and support those living with PH. Throughout the month, PHA will highlight members of the PH community who let their light shine through advocacy, volunteering, fundraising and education. The global PH community is encouraged to participate by advocating for better care and treatment access, volunteering to support patient programs or local events, fundraising to advance research, and sharing personal stories or resources in person or on social media to help educate the public.

PH is a serious condition that affects people of all ages, sexes, races, or social or ethnic backgrounds, yet it remains significantly underdiagnosed and misunderstood, even among health care providers. The condition contributes to more than 18,000 adult deaths annually in the United States, and it can develop from left-heart disease or associated conditions such as congenital heart disease, sleep apnea, sickle cell disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or scleroderma. Symptoms, including shortness of breath, fatigue and chest pain, are often mistaken for other conditions, dangerously delaying diagnosis. While PH has no cure, early diagnosis and proper treatment can extend and improve one's quality of life.

"The efforts of PHA and the PH community are making a tremendous impact on the lives of those affected by PH," said PHA Board of Trustees chair Traci Stewart. "This small but powerful community has made remarkable strides in raising awareness and advancing research. Through continued advocacy, peer support, fundraising and volunteering, we are showing that PH doesn't define our patients. Every letter to Congress, every dollar raised, each research breakthrough and every new connection strengthens our commitment to PHA's mission of improving and extending the lives of those affected by PH. Together, we are shining a light on the challenges of PH and creating a brighter future for everyone affected by this disease."

PHA's outreach during November includes social media, advocacy, education and fundraising. PHA's PH Awareness Month digital toolkit includes social media profile and cover images, infographics, downloadable fact sheets and flyers, and other elements to raise awareness throughout November.

Notable PH Awareness Month Activities

CTEPH Awareness Day: PHA will raise awareness Nov. 13 about chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, a rare form of PH caused by blood clots in the lungs that harden over time and impede blood flow. Up to 5% of people who've had a pulmonary embolism (blood clots in the lungs) may develop CTEPH. Unlike some forms of PH, CTEPH has treatment options, including a potentially curative surgery.

To celebrate CTEPH Awareness Day, PHA will share educational resources and a patient story.

On Wednesday, Nov. 13, join us for a PHA Live Webinar, "PHA Research: Spotlight on Innovative Projects in PH," at 2 p.m. EDT/6 p.m. UTC. Hear from recent PHA research grant recipients as they share groundbreaking studies that are expanding our understanding of pulmonary hypertension and paving the way for new treatments. Learn about their progress, discoveries and the potential impact their work could have on improving the lives of those living with PH.

Throughout November, become a catalyst for change by advocating for the PH community, including supporting the Supplemental Oxygen Access Reform Act to improve access to supplemental oxygen.

In addition to virtual opportunities, PHA will host three in-person fundraising events:

More information about PH, the "Let Your Light Shine" campaign and how to raise awareness can be found at

About the Pulmonary Hypertension Association

Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the Pulmonary Hypertension Association is the country's oldest and largest nonprofit patient association dedicated to the pulmonary hypertension community. PHA's mission is to extend and improve the lives of those affected by PH. To achieve this mission,�PHA�engages people with PH and their families, caregivers, health care providers and researchers worldwide who work together to advocate for the PH community, support patients, caregivers and families, offer up-to-date education and information on PH, improve quality patient care, and fund and promote research. For more information, visit and connect with PHA on X, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Media Contact

Zangi Miti, Pulmonary Hypertension Association, 1 301-565-3004, [email protected],

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SOURCE Pulmonary Hypertension Association
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