

Health News and Press Release Comments

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Hey all

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Enjoy and have a young life,

sami87 - 7/31/2010
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Type 1 diabetes is increasing at fast rate. its high time to find a cure for this disease. These small kids also should enjoy their chilhood, without injects, pricks and restrictions. They also deserve to have a carefree childhood.
akarsh - 6/26/2010
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I would recommend Dr. Sherri Worth, DDS, because I had the pleasure of getting a cosmetic dentistry treatment from her many years ago when i lived in orange county and I have not yet found another dentist whom comes even close to how good she is with her patients.

Also feel free to check out this site about
Teeth Whitening

SmileMore - 5/30/2010
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Wow, so sad to hear this great new Axialif procedure that has completly cured my broken back a year ago with absolutly no pain or instability and has given me my competitive tennis career back is now being snubbed by providers for reinbursment, I would equate this to someone discovering a cure for diabeties and then being told it was just not needed!.... Somebody needs to shake up Providers and State Insurance Commissioner's. I'm mad as Hell...... It needs to be about about whats best for patients with debilitating spine problems, and not about keeping the old school in the pink! B
BAP58 - 5/17/2010
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Peace & Prosperity
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Agha Dilbar

My Open Letter (Blog) has been sent Three Lak (300000) to International Community for the welfare of Humanity till today. I Agha Dilbar authorize Newspapers, Magazines, Internet, to Publish and Radio, T.V. Channels to broadcast this letter all round the World.
To read my letter please click on blog.

Dear President Barrack Obama
the Great Leader of the World
I Agha Dilbar have sent Mr. President 100 registered research Letters (1000 new ideas to develop America and to Change the World for Peace and Prosperity) through Embassy of USA Islamabad till today and also direct sent these registered Letters to Whitehouse Washington DC 20500.These letters have been written on the guidelines of CHANGE WE NEED. And these letters are about the Common Men Problems of respected American Peoples and their Solutions. To end, Economic Recession, Unemployment and to Finish War, all round the World for Peace and Prosperity. In these letters I have sent one thousand new scientific Planning /Suggestions, about every walk of life for Peace through Friendship Progress and Prosperity all over the World.
Dear Barrack Obama, the Great Leader of the World, my Friend, my Brother, Provide an opportunity to Agha Dilbar to pay an Official Visit to America, that we two brothers can sit together and by halting this horrible war(In this war 1-million people have died from 9/11 till today, if this war continues, it will become the 111- World War.200-Million people would die, if 111-World War is triggered) can take out 6.5 billion people of the World from abyss of destruction and then put them on the road to Progress and Prosperity.
aghadilbar - India11/30/2009
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you know that the lungs cancer are the biggest problems in youth these days.Up to one-fourth of all people with lung cancer may have no symptoms when the cancer is diagnosed. A cough that does not go away or gets worse over time should be evaluated by a health-care provider.Symptoms of metastatic lung tumors depend on the location and size. About 30%-40%.Lung cancer that spreads to the brain can cause difficulties with vision, weakness on one side of the body Mack
mack - 7/12/2008
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