Highlights: Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is an aggressive behavioral condition marked by frequent physical or verbal outbursts that often affects young adults....
Highlights: A natural compound found in small marine snail could be a potent pain reliever The compound called Rg1A functions as a pain pathway receptor and helps ...
Highlights Excessive alcohol intake can affect the elasticity of the arterial walls (arterial stiffness) and prematurely age the arteries, interfering with blood flow. Arteria...
Highlights Bronchoscopic lung volume reduction and lung volume reduction surgery are the only available treatments for patients with advanced stage emphysema. Though they improve...
Highlights Ibudilast, an anti-inflammatory drug for asthma shows promise in treating alcoholism. The efficacy of the drug was evaluated by measuring the participant’s response to st...
Highlights People conceive messages about healthy lifestyle choices differently. A new study revealed that the reason for this is because people who are more mindful are more rece...
Highlights Schizophrenia occurs more commonly in people who have a variation in a gene called CHRNA5. This variant in gene CHRNA5, leads to hypofrontality which causes most cognit...
Highlights Opioid drugs are pain relieving drugs that act by blocking the signals in the brain. New signaling pathway involves activation of opioid receptors in the immune cells. ...
Highlights A research team has found that excessive alcohol use that leads to alcohol use disorder is influenced by the use of marijuana. There are other risk facto...
Highlights A new smartphone health app, Cigbreak Free, that uses games to help smokers to quit the habit has been designed. This game contains embedded health messages and behavio...
Highlights Alcohol consumption increases the risk of heart conditions such as atrial fibrillation, heart attack and congestive heart failure. The risk might be gr...
Highlights Hangovers are caused when the levels of alcohol in the bloodstream begins to decrease. It usually sets in ten hours post alcohol consumption and reaches its peak when t...
Highlights Medical marijuana was legalized in the United States of America in 2009. Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) that involves excess cyclical episodes of nausea and vomi...
Highlights The use of marijuana during pregnancy has increased by 62%, finds a National Survey. Women who have severe morning sickness are more likely to use marijuana than ...
Highlights 83% of the 40-60 year old Britons are either overweight or obese, drinking too much or physically inactive. Sedentary lifestyle and busy desk jobs are making it increas...
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