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Highlights: People in Peru have used maca for thousands of years as food and natural medicine. It has become popular worldwide in the past few decades, particularly for its uses fo...
Highlights: SARS-CoV-2 was prevented from entering human cells by extracts from the flowers of tall goldenrod (Solidago altissima) and the rhizomes of eagle fern (Pteridium aquilin...
Highlights: Certain activities you could perform in a yoga class can cause neck pain rather than relieve it Always warm up the neck muscles, by moving the head up and down, be...
Highlights: Sleep is our bodies natural response to calm and repair, and it begins to replenish you when you wake up. A good night’s sleep prepares a person for a productive day ah...
Highlights: Music has been proven in studies on psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy to have a profound effect on therapeutic outcomes Listening to icaros (medicinal songs) duri...
Highlights: The liver is one of the most important organs in the body and should be kept healthy There are yoga asanas that exert pressure on the liver, resulting in liver str...
Highlights: Upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) including acute bronchitis, the common cold, influenza, and respiratory distress syndromes, can be caused by a variety of viruses a...
Highlights: Acupuncture is considered safe for several conditions and helps to relieve low backache among pregnant women It produced no major negative side effects on the new-...
Highlights: Bioactive components from Ganoderma lucidum has been found to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 host cell entrance This fungus’ bioactive extracts exhibit strong immune-stimulati...
Highlights: Hair loss, balding and dandruff problems are more common after 40 Ayurveda can work wonders for hair growth and regeneration Ayurvedic haircare practices are natura...
Highlights: Black cardamom, commonly used in Indian traditional medicine, can work wonders in the fight against lung cancer Bioactive compounds such as cardamonin and alpinetin in...
Highlights: Acupuncture therapy may be a useful tool for treating people with prediabetes Prediabetes can progress into type 2 diabetes in not more than 6 months Therefore, main...
Highlights: Minute remains stored between dry leaves can help scientists track insects and track population declines Scientists are now using eDNA to discover hidden things about...
Highlights: In recent times, many people are sipping on a warm mushroom coffee similar to regular coffee It provides some great health benefits but there isn’t a ton of research out ...
Highlights: Ayurvedic medicines help control blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes patients Traditional medicines can also affect one’s body weight, blood pressure and cholest...
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