Highlights: SLC25A1 is critical for placental development and indirectly affects heart health Deleting SLC25A1 in placental tissue causes both placental and heart defects PSG1 sup...
Highlights: Prenatal alcohol exposure can cause developmental issues in children Many reproductive-age women struggle with alcohol-use disorder, with few receiving treatment Bette...
Highlights: Pioneering collaboration between Australia and India to treat microtia 3D-printed living ears offer hope for patients with congenital ear deformities The project is re...
Highlights: Acetaminophen taken during pregnancy has potential risk of neurological disorders in children Pregnant women must not take acetaminophen medications without consulting th...
Highlights: Significant correlations exist between cognitive abilities and changes in brain size in individuals with Down Syndrome Advanced technologies like stem cell therapy are th...
Highlights: Israeli scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science have achieved a groundbreaking feat by crafting a laboratory model of a human embryo using stem cells Embryo was c...
Highlights: New Zealand introduces mandatory folic acid fortification in wheat flour to prevent neural tube defects More than half of pregnancies in NZ are unplanned, emphasiz...
Highlights: CBD introduction amid pregnancy may imperil the developing fetus: research shows that CBD can pass the placental barrier and meddle with fetal development Insufficient re...
Highlights: RNases have been proposed as a treatment against systemic autoimmune diseases Sometimes, it can stimulate the immune response by promoting the binding of antibodies to th...
Highlights: Many women wonder if consuming cannabis in edible form is safe during pregnancy A new study has found a link between cannabis use during pregnancy and possible behavioral...
Highlights: Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease against skin cells, leading to milky-white skin patches While the role of the adaptive immune system in vitiligo has been described exte...
Highlights: Every year on April 17, World Haemophilia Day is recognized to increase awareness of hemophilia Hemophilia is a rare, inherited hemorrhagic disorder leading to an abnorma...
Highlights: Rare Disease Day is observed every year on February 28(or 29 in leap years) - the rarest day of the year It works towards equity in social opportunity, healthcare, and ac...
Highlights: Heavy metals like lead that are harmful to the developing brain are found in processed baby food To reduce its exposure to the lowest, Food and Drug Administration is iss...
Highlights: The weight of a baby at the time of birth is influenced by the natural environment of the mother Expanding urban population may shrink the accessibility, and quality of n...
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