Highlights: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide A recent study suggests that talk therapy for depression can also decrease the risk of heart disease Peo...
Highlights: High blood pressure (BP) is a major cause of premature death worldwide A recent study discovered that high BP is linked to worse brain health in old age Treating hype...
Highlights: 46% of adults with hypertension are unaware that they have hypertension A recent study suggests that inconsistent and irregular sleep may increase the risk of hypertensio...
Highlights: Despite having less than 20% of the global population, India accounts for more than 60% of all heart disease cases The leading causes of heart disease in young Indians ar...
Highlights: Scientists have discovered a set of proteins, AJSZ, that can be used for cellular programming, allowing them to reprogram damaged cardiac cells to mend heart lesions in mice...
Highlights: Coffee is a popular beverage that people all around the world enjoy. Its possible health advantages and hazards are still being studied by researchers According to...
Highlights: Researchers have identified nine areas of the brain that are connected to increased blood pressure and lower cognitive function High blood pressure affects the bra...
Highlights: Walnuts are an excellent source of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants Walnuts have been linked to better heart health Researchers say this might be due t...
Highlights: Remdesivir is prescribed to COVID-19 patients with low oxygen saturation and has been shown to shorten the duration of recovery in hospitalized patients with lower resp...
Highlights: More often than not, the effects of heart attack are permanent since it cannot regenerate like other tissues Even after surviving a heart attack, the damage cannot be rev...
Highlights: Statins may be an effective alternate strategy to reduce heart disease risk in sleep apnea patients, who are at a higher risk of cardiovascular events CPAP therapy...
Highlights : Regular consumption of 3 eggs per week may be associated with a 60% decrease in cardiovascular disease risk Four to seven eggs per week are linked with a 75% decrease i...
Highlights: Women face a 30-40% higher risk of dying after undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery than men The study analyzed nearly 1.3 million bypass surgeries carried ou...
Highlights: Dance promotes many aspects of health, including physical, mental, and emotional well-being It not only allows you to express yourself and have fun, but it also co...
Highlights: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of disease burden globally Along with climate change, ozone pollution is on the rise A new study shows that ozone pollution...
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