Globally $35 billion will be required for immunization in the next ten years to save an additional ten million lives. The money will go towards reaching more children with basic vacci...
It might not be the plague yet, but the bird or avian flu scare has acquired this nasty habit of sending a shiver down the spine. That birds have turned out to be man's greatest enemies in t...
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common causes of sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the world. More than 100 different types of HPV exist, most of which are harmless. HPV ...
All influenza viruses of the type A, including those causing seasonal epidemics of human influenza, are genetically labile and well adapted to elude host defenses. The tendency of influenza ...
The death toll due to the Japanese Encephalitis continues to daily kill a few more people in Uttar Pradesh and seems to be spreading to the neighboring areas like Nepal. In this special...
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