Highlights COVID-19 imposed social distancing has affected peoples’ lives, and romantic relationships face the brunt of it Virtual efforts will help to rebuild and strengthen COVID...
Highlights: Maintaining a good posture as you work long hours from home Take a movement break and do some simple breathing or stretching exercises A healthy balanced diet and...
Highlights : The COVID-19 pandemic is not likely to end until an effective vaccine is developed More than one hundred vaccines for COVID-19 are in pre-clinical development About 17 vacc...
Highlights: Fruits and vegetables need to be washed after you buy them Fruits and vegetables should be put in water for a few minutes with a 50 ppm drop of chlorine to make them g...
Highlights: Practice social distancing by keeping 6 feet distance from strangers Keep food in coolers until serving time and avoid opening the lids often Wash before eating t...
Highlights: Health is more important than enjoying Wear face mask, keep a hand sanitizer, so you can interact safely with others amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic Try t...
Highlights: New portable COVID-19 diagnostic system has been developed COVID-19 screening can now be conducted directly at various testing stations Test results can be achiev...
Highlights : COVID-19 infection of the mother during pregnancy has the potential to infect the newborn via transmission. Possible vertical transmission may either happen while the mother...
Highlights: Dexamethasone, a commonly available corticosteroid can now treat coronavirus (COVID-19) The drug is used to treat arthritis, immune system disorders and allergic reac...
Highlights: ACEI and ARB are recommended for treatment of hypertension COVID19 pandemic raised doubts about the safety of these drugs Globally renowned and reputed health organizations ...
Highlights: Clinical trials play a pivotal role in the development of drugs and other therapeutics Over 500 randomized clinical trials are currently in progress to find a drug for COVID-...
Highlights: Coronavirus cases have crossed over 50,000 in India, despite being under strict lockdown Social distancing remains the most effective tool against the pandemic YouGov h...
Highlights : In India, over 17,265 confirmed novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases and 543 deaths as of yesterday All suspected and confirmed cases are isolated in a health care fa...
Highlights: Gardening can help you love and appreciate your own body Being close to nature and spending more time in the garden can help you build a positive body image So, cr...
Highlights: Most kids are being glued to mobile phones due to COVID-19 social distancing Staying indoors and feeling too bored can make even active kids spend more time with digi...
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