Highlights Sitting for longer periods of time, especially for desk jobs, has a direct correlation with obesity. This relationship affects men more than women. One hour of exerc...
Highlights: Early cycling exercise for critically ill and mechanically ventilated patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) is considered safe and feasible. The cyclin...
Highlights Overweight and obese people should aim to lose 5 to 10 percent of their body weight. Slimmers who set themselves ambitious targets lose twice as many pounds as those ...
Highlights Having a quick snack before heading for a feast can keep you from over eating. During holidays, make sure you walk if you don't find a gym. Always carry some snack...
Highlights 83% of the 40-60 year old Britons are either overweight or obese, drinking too much or physically inactive. Sedentary lifestyle and busy desk jobs are making it increas...
Highlights. Stroke during holiday season can be fatal as they occur with little or no warning Healthy diet, regular exercise, avoiding drinking and smoking, timely medications and...
Highlights The skeletal muscles use and burn down lipids or fats during the night time. Exercising lightly and fasting at night will help in losing body fat and increasing exerc...
Highlights The risk of heart attack among adults with no education was double or around 150% higher compared to educated individuals. The likelihood of having the first stroke was...
Highlights Regular visit to sauna decreased the risk of dementia by 66% and risk of Alzheimer’s by 65% in middle aged men who were followed for 20 years. Saunas work by improving ...
Highlights Fine motor control functions like playing an instrument or golf, alter the structure and function of brain. New research shows that exercises like running that do not r...
Highlights Defects in heart’s biological pacemaker is treated by implanting electronic pacemaker that has many limitations. Fully functional biological pacemaker cells have been g...
Highlights Screen time with smartphones and tablets increases the risk of obesity as much as watching television. Engaging in use of these hand-held devices increases consumption...
Highlights Tracking fitness levels by traditional methods like writing down what people remember, leads to overestimation of the activity levels. The use of iPhone app MyHeart Cou...
Highlights Pokémon GO is an augmented reality game that claims to promote physical activity and health. Playing this game increased the daily average steps in the player by 955 ad...
Highlights Children in corporate care homes have higher degree of physical and mental health needs. Yoga sessions helped the children and staff in corporate care to achieve indivi...
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