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Highlights: Doctors have discovered that a common set of genes in the brain are the underlying cause of five psychiatric disorders Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, maj...
Highlights : Obesity is a global health challenge and occurs due to a combination of lifestyle and genetic factors. It is associated with several health risks such ...
Highlights : Loss of a single gene in modern humans during the process of evolution from our ancestors about 2-3 million years ago might explain why heart attacks are ve...
Highlights : New drug target identified to treat patients with familial dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). DCM is a life-threatening heart condition, known to be associated with a...
Highlights: Human pancreas-on-a-chip has been developed using microfluidic technology It can culture pancreatic cells, producing organoids that resemble the natu...
Highlights : Symptoms of psychosis, such as hallucinations and delusions caused by psychiatric illness such as schizophrenia, can be treated by targeting a specific gene...
Highlights: World Vitiligo Day is celebrated annually on 25 th June across the globe It aims to create awareness and raise funds for vitiligo patients Fundraising co...
Highlights: International Albinism Awareness Day (IAAD) is celebrated on 13 th June every year It aims to generate awareness about the health and social challenges f...
Highlights: Tourette’s Awareness Day is celebrated every year on 7 th June It aims to generate awareness about Tourette’s syndrome, as well as raise funds Fundraisin...
Highlights: World Thalassemia Day is celebrated on 8 th May every year Its major objective is to create public awareness about thalassemia It highlights the importance of early detec...
Highlights: Surfactant is a lipoprotein mixture which is important for normal lung functioning Mutations in the surfactant genes lead to fatal lung diseases like surfa...
Highlights: New AI-based technology can detect patients with familial hypercholesterolemia – a genetic disease that causes high blood cholesterol The technology can accurately different...
Highlights: World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) is being celebrated on 2 nd April 2019 The main objective of WAAD is to raise awareness about autism Assistive technolo...
Highlights: Genetic blood disorders like thalassemia, sickle cell anemia and primary immunodeficiency syndromes can be cured by using CRISPR gene editing techniqu...
Highlights : World Down Syndrome Day is observed on the 21 st March annually to raise awareness about this fairly common genetic condition and to support persons with D...
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