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Highlights: World Hemophilia Day is celebrated on 17th of April every year It aims to generate awareness about hemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders This year’s theme ...
Highlights: Type 1 diabetes targets insulin-producing cells in the pancreas that control blood sugar Most type 1 diabetes cases have genetic risks influenced by environmental factors T...
Highlights: Children conceived with assisted reproductive technology (ART) have better quality of life IVF children have a better relationship with parents and are less prone ...
Highlights: Lifestyle choices and oral hygiene care play a major role in the oral health condition But the strength, size, and alignment of teeth and gum are influenced by genetic m...
Highlights: World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) is celebrated on March 21st to acknowledge and support people who are suffering from Down syndrome The day marks the uniqueness of the trip...
Highlights Air pollution can trigger adaptive immunity, whereby the body reacts to a specific disease-causing entity Sometimes the adaptive response misfires, causing systemic in...
Highlights: World Vitiligo Day (WVD) is observed on June 25th, 2021 Indonesia is playing the host country for this year The official theme for 2021 is 'Embracing Life with Vitiligo’ ...
Highlights: About 7 or 8 out of every 100 people experience PTSD at some point in their lives Migraines can possibly co-occur with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Genes linked to ...
Highlights: World Sickle Cell Day is marked on 19th June each year The motive of commemorating this day is to promote knowledge about sickle cell disease among the general public The th...
Highlights: International Albinism Awareness Day is celebrated on 13th June 2021 theme "Strength Beyond All Odds" highlights the achievements of people with albinism around the world Th...
Highlights: Recognizing specific mutations among hundreds of genes associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has been challenging to determine till the present The novel computati...
Highlights: Lupus is a chronic inflammatory/autoimmune disease that occurs when the body system attacks its tissues and organs, resulting in inflammation The World Lupus Day observed ann...
Highlights: Thalassemia is a blood-related, genetic disorder that results in insufficient production of hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells As Thalassemia affects millions of indi...
Highlights: World Hemophilia Day is celebrated on 17th April every year It aims to generate awareness about hemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders This year’s theme is adap...
Highlights: World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated on 21st March every year Raises awareness about the disease among the general public Aims to improve the quality of life of Down syndro...
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