Highlights: Kindness lowers stress and enhances cardiovascular health Helping others boosts happiness and fosters mental well-being Social bonds created by kindness increase longe...
Highlights: Rapamycin shows promise in animal models, suggesting anti-aging potential Human trials are underway to explore its effects on aging-related diseases Side effects are m...
Highlights: Helps maintain balance and prevent falls in older adults Improves lower body strength and coordination Can be done daily with or without weights Falls are the l...
Highlights: AgeXtend uses AI to discover new molecules that promote healthy ageing The platform validated over 1.1 billion compounds for anti-ageing potential AgeXtend integrates ...
Highlights: Immune cells in aging muscles lose their coordination, delaying tissue repair Muscle stem cells stall, failing to regenerate effectively with age Novel methods reveal ...
Highlights: Keeping nucleoli small prevents DNA instability and cellular aging, akin to anti-aging effects like calorie restriction Nucleolar expansion marks a tipping point in...
Highlights: Balance testing shows links between stability, strength, and aging Age-related muscle and sensory changes impact balance Simple exercises can help improve balance an...
Highlights: Medical assistance in dying (MAID) is a procedure that allows patients to have peaceful death All the eligibility criteria must be met to proceed with MAID Euthanasia ...
Highlights: Social connections are vital for mental and physical health, especially in older adults Wearing sunglasses protects against UV damage, reducing skin aging A balanced d...
Highlights: Gut hormone NPF in flies influences insulin release and longevity The study opens new questions about diabetes drugs like GLP-1 agonists affecting human aging Fruit fl...
Highlights: 21% higher risk of Alzheimer’s after falls in older adults Falls can act as early indicators for dementia diagnosis Cognitive screenings after falls are essential for ...
Highlights: CheekAge is a new method to predict lifespan using cheek swabs It showed a 21% increase in mortality risk for each standard deviation Certain genes, like PDZRN4 and AL...
Highlights: Intensity is a stronger predictor of reduced mortality than overall activity volume Cardiovascular mortality risk decreases by 41% with higher activity intensity Conti...
Highlights: Metformin slowed aging in monkeys by improving cellular function The drug preserved brain structure and improved cognitive abilities Human trials are essential to expl...
Highlights: Aging affects working memory by hindering the deletion of outdated information Beta-band neural oscillations play a crucial role in managing memory processes Targeted ...
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