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Highlights For a longer life span: Eat local, traditional, time tested food to meet your body’s nutritional requirements Genes and family history of diseases also play a very cruc...
Highlights: Over 10 years, researchers monitored 29,072 older persons (60 and up) to study the link between lifestyle choices and memory decline They discovered a relationship...
Highlights: Frailty is frequently misunderstood as a merely wasting condition However, obese older persons may be more vulnerable to frailty because obesity exacerbates age-re...
Highlights: Researchers in the Netherlands guessed the age of around 2,700 people; those who looked youngest in comparison to their age had better thinking skills They were also le...
Highlights: There can be a gap between a person’s chronological age and biological brain age Brain age is significantly better than actual age in capturing risk of Alzheimer’s...
Highlights: Researchers investigated how dementia risk and frailty change over time Higher educational attainment may predict the risk of dementia Health policy should address edu...
Highlights: There has been an effort to shift gerontology (the study of aging and older adults) from a disease-focus toward a wellness-orientation, using the concept of ‘successful agin...
Highlights: The majority of molecular-level alterations that occur with aging are related to gene length Organisms maintain a balance between the activation of short and long ...
Highlights: RESTORE TRIAL helps in generation of artificial blood Artificial blood results show promising results in phase I of human trial Artificial blood can help patients in need...
Highlights: Short bursts of vigorous activity can make you live longer Just 2 minutes burst of vigorous activity a day is enough to add years to your life Boosting the intensit...
Highlights: Carbohydrates are not good for people with diabetes Consuming simple carbs can cause spike in blood sugar levels in those with diabetes Low-carbohydrate diet can be...
Highlights: Diwali (the festival of light) is the best time for bursting crackers and gulping yummy sweets and savories Detoxifying your body after Diwali is a good practice for a...
Highlights: Sleep contributes to memory power because memories are replayed during sleep Understanding this aspect can help with normal learning and treat memory disorders Now, lo...
Highlights: Inadequate sleep can trigger a number of health problems People who sleep five hours or less a night, are more likely to suffer from multiple diseases, as they age ...
Highlights: More than 55 million people globally have dementia but there was no way to do a prior prediction Now, researchers show it is possible to detect signs of dementia nine yea...
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