Highlights: India's MRI systems market forecasted to grow over 13% yearly, reaching $950M by 2030 Indigenous MRI scanner, using nitrogen and 1.5 Tesla magnets, aims for a 30% ...
Highlights: Individuals with mild cognitive impairment experienced improved cognitive test scores after being administered a probiotic over a span of 30 days Participants who receive...
Highlights: Telemedicine Practice Guidelines (TPG) empower Indian medical practitioners to provide quality healthcare through virtual platforms TPG outlines communication modes (audi...
Highlights: Automated microscopes and AI software are used to identify malaria parasites in clinical settings The study tested system accuracy with an 88% match in diagnosing malaria...
Highlights: Placenta-On-Chip devices mimic the placenta's structure & functions, promising safer drug evaluations for pregnant women Traditional animal studies don't offer con...
Highlights: AlterEgo empowers users to communicate with machines with just their minds The closed-loop interface ensures privacy and discretion The potential application of this c...
Highlights: The Cytophone technology is a non-invasive test for malaria that revolutionizes diagnosis and treatment This method utilizes lasers and acoustic waves to detect malarial ...
Highlights: Artificial Intelligence (AI) accelerates medication development through groundbreaking protein structure predictions This deep-learning approach revolutionizes protein st...
Highlights: Researchers develop an air sensor that can detect COVID-19 in a room within 5 minutes The device, a proof of concept, uses a technique called a wet cyclone to samp...
Highlights: World hepatitis day celebrated on 28 July 2023 unites the world’s hepatitis community To make their voices heard and celebrate the progress made in eliminating hepatitis ...
Highlights: World IVF Day is observed on July 25th to commemorate the advancements in infertility and reproductive endocrinology, with a focus on assisted reproductive technology It ...
Highlights: Some individuals find AI-based therapy apps like ChatGPT comforting and empathetic, but replacing human therapists entirely raises ethical concerns AI's application in me...
Highlights: Technology is getting better at helping us see, hear, and feel things in new and exciting ways Some techniques can let people who can't see or hear very well use differen...
Highlights: Analysing COVID-19 cases demonstrated the role of social media in spreading dangerous medical rumors It also highlighted the increasing challenges in medical rumors as ar...
Highlights: Nowadays, wearable products deliver real-time healthcare measurements using artificial intelligence This helps users to act according to the fitness insights provided and...
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