Highlights: The Eat Sleep Console (ESC) approach significantly improves breastfeeding rates in babies with neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS,) helping more infants start and...
Highlights: The right nighttime snacks can fuel your body, support milk production, and help you stay energized Healthy, nutrient-dense snacks like boiled eggs, almonds, and he...
Highlights: Hand grip strength is closely linked to cardiovascular health and muscle frailty Regular strength training can improve grip and overall longevity Simple exercises like...
Highlights: Recognize the signs of burnout early- chronic fatigue, sleeplessness, and recurrent illnesses are red flags Small daily habits like staying hydrated, eating well, a...
Highlights: Junk food cravings are driven by brain chemistry, making it challenging to resist without mindful strategies Ultra-processed foods can disrupt gut health, leading t...
Highlights: 500 feminist leaders from 38 countries gathered to reimagine a just and sustainable future Discussions ranged from corporate exploitation, militarism, and the crippling d...
Highlights: Monoclonal antibodies like mAb1416 could offer a targeted treatment for superbugs like A. baumannii, which are resistant to antibiotics These antibodies are highly ...
Highlights: A short-term low-carb diet improved glycemic markers in children with type 1 diabetes The diet did not increase the risk of hypoglycemia or affect cholesterol level...
Highlights: Many people are struggling with workaholism, unable to disconnect from work Constantly checking emails, working through vacations, and feeling an obsession with tasks are...
Highlights: Increasing your fiber intake is one of the easiest ways to prevent and relieve constipation Staying hydrated is essential for softening stools and improving bowel m...
Highlights: The superstition around Friday the 13th combines two historically unlucky elements: the number 13 and Friday Myths and religious stories, such as the Last Supper and Nors...
Highlights: West Bengal tops the list with the highest number of hospital beds, followed by Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh States with a higher number of beds are better equipped...
Highlights: One-third of women aged 45-59 report poor emotional and mental health, along with poor sleep quality 41% of UK medical schools lacking mandatory menopause education ...
Highlights: High-dose omega-3 EPA/DHA may be a promising treatment for preventing migraines, with superior efficacy compared to other pharmacological options Omega-3 supplement...
Highlights: Sitting down right after running can cause dizziness or fainting Sitting down immediately after running can impede blood flow, causing it to pool in your legs and ma...
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