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Highlights: A blood test can assess the biological age of organs to predict health risks Rapid organ ageing is linked to diseases like heart disease, lung cancer, and dementia Adv...
Highlights: Balance testing shows links between stability, strength, and aging Age-related muscle and sensory changes impact balance Simple exercises can help improve balance an...
Highlights: The Eat Sleep Console (ESC) approach significantly improves breastfeeding rates in babies with neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS,) helping more infants start and...
Highlights: World Breastfeeding Week is an annual global campaign held in August to promote and protect breastfeeding Breastfeeding boosts immunity and supports optimal infant nutrit...
Highlights: Elevated levels of the metabolite 11,12-diHETrE in umbilical cord blood are linked to increased autism symptoms and impaired social interactions PUFA metabolites, pa...
Highlights: Rotovac is linked to a 1.6-fold increase in intussusception risk Bharat Biotech refutes study findings, citing thorough safety evaluations Emphasis on parental awarene...
Highlights: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a complex and debilitating condition characterized by profound fatigue that doesn't improve with rest, along with a range of other symptoms...
Highlights: Infants with abnormally large perivascular spaces in the brain have 2.2 times increased risk of developing autism in later life Enlarged perivascular spaces disrupt the n...
Highlights: Staphylococcus capitis, specifically the NRCS-A strain, poses a significant risk to neonates, causing late-onset sepsis Genome sequencing revealed unique genetic m...
Highlights: Newborns seem safe from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), but healthy infants can get severely sick RSV's impact extends beyond mild symptoms, affecting healthy babies s...
Highlights: New Zealand introduces mandatory folic acid fortification in wheat flour to prevent neural tube defects More than half of pregnancies in NZ are unplanned, emphasiz...
Highlights: The Houston Health Department has reported a syphilis outbreak, with a sudden surge in new cases Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that spreads through intimate ...
Highlights: Diminishing effectiveness of antibiotics leaves infants vulnerable to complications and fatalities in sepsis treatment Developing countries face critical challenge...
Highlights: A small amount of alcohol consumed during pregnancy may cause changes in the baby's facial appearance The study was conducted by mapping the baby’s face using artificial ...
Highlights: The weight of a baby at the time of birth is influenced by the natural environment of the mother Expanding urban population may shrink the accessibility, and quality of n...
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