The Women’s Healthy Weight Day 2015 on January 22 nd is a reminder to women to maintain their weight in a healthy way. The topic of weight is an invariable topic in most mee...
You have all heard of ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’; now how about replacing the good old apple with an avocado? After all avocado is considered as a ‘super fruit’ packed with many ...
Considering the alarming number of obese individuals in the recent years, it’s time we sit up and pledge to take responsibility of our well-being, eat healthy, stay fit and fight obesity ...
Promising to make the daily management of diabetes a lot more easier and accurate, a leading product development firm has designed a new insulin pen, which uses energy harvesting. The de...
Obesity is all set to overtake smoking as the most common cardiovascular disease risk factor by the year 2015, reveals a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. ...
If you have been advised to reduce your cholesterol levels, here is one more suggestion that you can adopt - eat a serving of legumes like beans, chickpeas, lentils and peas every day. ...
The concept of a healthy balanced diet may be rewritten. Mixed meals of proteins, fats and carbohydrates may be associated with obesity, suggests a new study;a high protein only or hig...
The consumption of junk foods may lead to memory loss, suggests new research. Poor diet was found to induce memory loss in rodents in as early as six days. A team of researchers...
An increase in weight may be associated with a type of migraine called episodic migraine, say researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore. Migr...
A diet plan that includes a low-fat diet or a low-calorie diet along with adequate exercise or physical activity could benefit overweight patients with hepatitis C infection, reveals re...
With Angelina Jolie's recent brave move to undergo a double mastectomy, breast cancer seems to be a trending topic on the internet. New developments and treatments don't seem to dull the ...
A new drug that may reduce damage to the heart after a heart attack has been developed by a team of U.K researchers. The drug named MitoSNO has already been tested successfully on mice, a...
Research finds that two out of five medical students have a subconscious bias against obese people. This suggests that many obese people may not be getting proper health care. Th...
Mustard oil is extremely popular in northern India, Korea, Nepal and Bangladesh. This oil was once thought to be unsafe for human consumption in United States, Europe and Canada , in the...
You're probably tired of hearing how bad fast food is for your health, and how it can be really dangerous, but soon enough, you may have bent down in submission and indulged. It is inevit...
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