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Highlights: Cold feet may signal vascular disorders or diabetes Persistent pain or ulcers can indicate serious health concerns Nail changes could reveal infections or other underl...
Highlights: Calorie intake can affect nerve health and circulation, potentially leading to foot numbness Nutrient deficiencies, particularly vitamin B12, can contribute to tin...
Highlights: Walking barefoot on grass, also known as earthing or grounding has gained momentum Though people used to walk barefoot in older times, modern lifestyle lacks such contact...
Highlights: Walking after a meal helps clear the mind and aids in digestion Just a few minutes of walking can activate these benefits Exercise boosts glucose uptake and aids muscl...
Highlights: Watching television for long hours increases the chance of developing blood clots This happens because of the pooling of blood in the extremities, along with eating junk foo...
Highlights: Wearing a cast for three weeks is as good as wearing it for six-weeks for healing ankle fractures For stable ankle fractures, not requiring surgery, shorter immobilization t...
Highlights: Diabetic foot ulcer is the devastating complication of diabetes which is associated with neuropathy Self-examination and proper foot care may prevent diabetic f...
Highlights A new chemical oxytocin hormone sensor can detect features of autism at birth Presence of oxytocin or love hormone molecules at certain levels are the biomarkers of...
Highlights New insights on a regenerative molecule can help prevent limb amputations in diabetic foot patients In England alone, the number of diabetic foot amputations per day i...
Highlights Testicular cancers originate from germ cells. Most germ cell tumors are highly curable due to sensitivity to chemotherapy. These tumors exhibit certain changes at ge...
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