Highlights: Sleep contributes to memory power because memories are replayed during sleep Understanding this aspect can help with normal learning and treat memory disorders Now, lo...
Highlights: Inadequate sleep can trigger a number of health problems People who sleep five hours or less a night, are more likely to suffer from multiple diseases, as they age ...
Highlights: Poor sleep can cause migraine and vice versa Women who experience migraines are more likely to be have poor quality of sleep On the other hand, women are more prone...
Highlights: Sleep timing and time in bed (TIB) is associated with dementia risk Long time in bed and early sleep timing are major risk factors for developing mental health problem...
Highlights: Being a night is bad for health in the long run ’Night owls’ are people who sleep late at night, and are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease...
Highlights: Insomnia, a common sleep disorder, can affect mental health in older adults Older people with insomnia are more likely to develop memory decline and long-term cognitiv...
Highlights: A good sound sleep can protect the heart’s health Having a good night’s sleep can keep heart disease and stroke at bay Minimizing night-time noise and stress at wo...
Highlights: Getting sufficient hours of high-quality sleep results in a well-balanced immune defense Especially for those who do without air conditioning, rising temperature could of...
Highlights: Sleeping less than eight hours a night may up being overweight or obese in adolescents Excess weight gain and metabolic syndrome can lead to cardiovascular diseases ...
Highlights: Sleep is crucial for recovery and sleep disturbances can impact health, work and overall functional ability of an individual. Amount of work and nonwork stress that an ...
Highlights: Insufficient sleep can have a detrimental impact on the brain and cognitive development of children Children aged 6 to 12 years require at least 9 to 12 hours of sleep ...
Highlights: Poor sleeping habit coupled with a sedentary lifestyle can wreak havoc on your liver health People who stay up late, snore, nap during the day and physically inactive ...
Highlights: Napping frequently can increase the risk of high blood pressure and ischemic stroke Poor sleep at night may up the frequency of taking more naps during the day So, h...
Highlights: New mattress developed with heating and cooling system embedded in the mattress and the pillow Skin of the neck is the primary sensor the mattress targets Helps you...
Highlights: Sauna bathing post-workout improves cardiovascular function A key marker of cardiorespiratory function is increased oxygen consumption Spending 15 minutes in th...
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