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Renowned Indian-origin researcher Opendra 'Bill'Narayan, whose work included leading-edge research in producing a treatment for AIDS, passed away on 24 December following a heart attack. He ...
Dec 1, 2007 The focus of World AIDS Day, this year is clearly engraved in the vision statement - Stop AIDS and Keep the Promise . The red ribbon has been a celebrated symbol of Worl...
A previously unknown immunodeficiency disease was discovered by scientists about twenty-five years ago, which came to be known broadly as ’AIDS’. Ever since, ’Acquired Immune Deficiency Synd...
You may expect your partner to inform you of his/her HIV status, but as far as law goes, you don't have a legal stand on this. Even horrifying is the fact that you have to rely on the qualit...
Condoms originally invented for preventing pregnancies have recently also been under intense scrutiny to look at their role in protection against sexually transmitted diseases (e.g. Gonorrh...
Red Fort, New Delhi. Aug 15. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh now has declared that AIDS had to be fought on ‘war footing’ as it was becoming a "major national problem". Singh made this a...
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