
Pisirettu Dosa

Indications :

  • It balances pitta and kapha.
  • It is pathya (whole some diet).
  • It is good for eyes.
  • It binds the stools.
  • It is cooling and nourishing.
  • It is light and easy to digest.

Especially useful diet for :

  • Enlargement of abdomen
  • General debility
  • Diabetes
  • Heart diseases
  • Skin diseases
  • Sprue
  • Bleeding disorders such as :
    • Nose blood
    • Bleeding piles
    • Excessive menstruation etc

English name: Green gram, Mung bean
Botanical name: Vigna radiata
Sanskrit name: Mudga
Hindi name: Moong
Tamil name: Paccha payaru


Ingredients :

  • Hulled green gram – 1 cup
  • Parboiled rice - 1 cup
  • Fenugreek - 2 teaspoon
  • Rock salt - to taste

Method :

Soak green gram, parboiled rice and fenugreek over night. Grind them well to a dosa batter consistency. Add salt and mix well (Fermentation of batter should be avoided). Spread it on a tawa to make dosa. Sprinkle ghee around the corners. Roast it to golden brown. Serve hot with coconut and mint chutneys.
