- Pacifies the 3 Doshas (tridoshas)
- It is a stimulant and an aphrodisiac
- Strengthens the tissues (Dhatu) of the body
- It is a rejuvenator (rasayana)
- Useful in the treatment of
- Fevers
- Cough
- Rheumatism
- Paralysis
- Tremors
- Kapha and Vata disorders
- Many other diseases
- Spleen Amaranth leaves – 1 bunch
- Ghee – 10 ml
- Urud dal – 1 spoon full
- Mustard – 1tsp
- Pepper powder – 1 pinch
- Asafoetida – 1 pinch
- Rock salt – 1 pinch
Separate the leaves from the weeds and grass. Wash it well. Chop and cook it using very little rock salt. Add a pinch of pepper powder for taste. Cook for 5-7 minutes only. Season with asafoetida, mustard, urud dal and cumin seeds using ghee.
Dhatu - The basic structural and nutritional body part that supports and nourishes the seven body tissues. These seven tissues of our body include the plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bones, bone marrow and semen.
Rasayanam – Means ‘rejuvenation’. Any diet, medicine or therapy that rejuvenates or regenerates the body and mind helps to prevent decay and delays aging.