
Carrot Juice


  • Ulcers
  • Heart
  • Cold & cough
  • Laxative
  • Sprue
  • Piles
  • Bleeding diseases


  • Taste (Rasa) – Sweet & bitter
  • Quality (Guna) – Light & sharp
  • Potency (Virya) – hot
  • Taste after digestion (Vipaka) – sweet
  • Balances pitta & kapha
  • Soothing
  • Healing
  • Nourishing
  • Protects the liver
  • Is a rich source of beta carotene that is extremely good for its anti-cancerous properties, especially lung Cancer
  • Good tonic
  • Alkalizer
  • Blood purifier
  • Boosts immunity in children
  • Aphrodisiac
  • It is rich in Vitamin A, Potassium, Calcium, phosphorus, Sulphur, Sodium, Beta carotene, Vitamin C, Iron, other minerals.


  • Carrot
  • Palm sugar
  • Water
  • Lime Juice - one tsp


Extract the juice from the carrot in a blender. Add palm sugar to the extracted juice. Add lime juice and stir well.



Rasa – Taste.

Guna - Quality.

Virya – Potency.

Vipaka - Taste after digestion. Agni (digestive activity) acts upon the food that we take and the taste of the food is changed. The original rasa (taste) changes to vipaka (new or same taste).

Vata – It refers to one of the three doshas. This is made of air and ether. This functional unit is characterized by movement, coldness, lightness and dryness in the body. When imbalanced it produces pain in various parts of the body.

Pitta – It refers to one of the three doshas. This is made of fire and water. This functional unit is characterized by heat, temperature and digestion in the body. When imbalanced it produces heat and burning sensation in the body.

Kapha – It refers to one of the three doshas. This is made of earth and water in our body. It is characterized by fluidity, strength and nourishment. When imbalanced it produces heaviness and phlegm in the body.

Doshas – Literally that which can go out of balance. Bodily humor.
