
Lemon Juice


  • Relives all the three Doshas
  • Improves taste & Agni (digestive fire)
  • Light to digest
  • A naturallaxative – Provides easy & downward movement of vata & feces
  • Sweet-sour in taste
  • Good for the heart
  • Hot and cold potency
  • Relieves thirsty conditions
  • Relieves filariasis
  • Relieves insanity
  • Relieves eye & ear diseases
  • Rich in potassium, sodium, iron, magnesium & calcium. Also rich in phosphorous, Sulpher, Silicon, Carotene, Vit – C


  • Lemon – 1 fruit
  • Jaggery (Brown sugar) – 3 spoons full
  • Water – Desired quantity


  1. Mix the jaggery very well with the water.
  2. Squeeze the lemon juice in it. Mix it well. Preferably store it in a mud pot.
  3. Serve chilled.


Vata – It refers to one of the three doshas. This is made of air and ether. This functional unit is characterized by movement, coldness, lightness and dryness in the body. When imbalanced it produces pain in various parts of the body.

Pitta – It refers to one of the three doshas. This is made of fire and water. This functional unit is characterized by heat, temperature and digestion in the body. When imbalanced it produces heat and burning sensation in the body.

Kapha – It refers to one of the three doshas. This is made of earth and water in our body. It is characterized by fluidity, strength and nourishment. When imbalanced it produces heaviness and phlegm in the body.

Dosha – Literally that which can go out of balance. Bodily humor.

Agni - Literally meaning fire – in the sense of a term of Ayurveda, agni governs and controls digestion and metabolism.
