- It increases vata
- Reduces pitta and kapha
- It is heavy and dry
- It increases strength
- It is a laxative
- It is tasty
- It is astringent and sweet in taste
- Sweet after digestion
- Cold in potency
- It reduces acidity, especially in the case of belching
- It increases breast milk
- Reduces semen
Sanskrit: Raja masha
Botanical name: Vigna unguiculata
Tamil name: Karamani
English name: Cow peas
- Cowpeas – 50 gm
- Sesame oil – 1 spoon
- Mustard seeds – 1 tsp
- Black gram – 1 tsp
- Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
- Asafoetida – 1 pinch
- Green chillies – 1
- Curry leaves – few
- Rock salt – to taste
Soak the legume over night. Boil till it becomes soft and decant the water. In a pan, pour sesame oil. When it is heated, add mustard seeds, black gram, cumin seeds, asafetida, green chillies and curry leaves. When the mustard has popped, add the cooked cowpeas along with rock salt, and mix well. Grated coconut may be added, if needed. Finely chopped carrot may also be added to improve the taste.
Grahi – Helps to bind stool, arrests diarrhea.