- It is dry
- Sweet in taste
- Cold in potency
- It is constipating
- It excessively increases Vata
- Reduces pitta and kapha
- Contraindicated in Vata Diseases
Botanical name: Pisum sativum
Sanskrit name: Satina
Tamil name: Pattani
English name: Pea
Due to the cool and dry properties of peas they are useful in the treatment of-
- Bleeding disorders
- High cholesterol
- Diabetes
- Peas – 50 gm
- Sesame oil – 1 spoon
- Mustard seeds – 1 tsp
- Black gram – 1 tsp
- Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
- Asafetida – 1 pinch
- Green chilly – 1
- Curry leaves – few
- Rock salt – to taste
Soak the legume for overnight. Boil till it becomes soft. Decant the water. In a pan, pour sesame oil. When it is heated, add mustard seeds, black gram, cumin seeds, asafetida, green chilly and curry leaves. When the mustard has popped, add the cooked mung dal, rock salt, mix it well. Grated coconut may be added if needed. Finely chopped unripe mango also improves the taste. (Adding coconut makes sundal heavy. It is advisable when the person has good digestive power.)