
Brinjal Recipe


  • Ripe brinjal increases 'Pitta' and 'Kapha' 
  • Tender ones balance doshas 
  • This is a very light and wholesome diet (Pathya) 
  • It is sweet in taste 
  • Easy to digest 
  • It is an appetizer 
  • Hot in potency 
  • It reduces fat 
  • Lowers cholesterol 
  • It is good for heart diseases 
  • It works against phlegm (anti phlegmatic) 
  • It is good for stomach 
  • Good for eyes 
  • Aphrodisiac 
  • Diuretic 
  • Laxative 
  • Improves Blood 
  • Cures nausea 
  • Cures Anorexia 
  • Relieves
    • Constipation
    • Piles
    • Rheumatism
    • Colic
    • Gastritis
    • Stomach ulcers
  • It is stimulant for liver and intestines 
  • It calms the mind 
  • It is rich in potassium, sulfur, and chlorine and also contains a fair amount of iron and vitamin C.

It is contraindicated for the following -

  • Skin diseases 
  • Itching 
  • Wounds 
  • External ulcers 

Botanical name: Solanum melongana

English name: brinjal, Egg Plant

Sanskrit name: Vrntaka

Tamil name: Kathirikkai



  • Brinjal - 200 gm 
  • Black gram - 20 gm 
  • Pepper - 1 spoon
  • Rock salt - To taste 


Select tender brinjals, particularly the white variety, as it is said to be 'Pathya' food. Cook it in direct flame. Peel the skin of the brinjal. Sauté black gram and pepper with little coconut oil till golden brown. Put the peeled brinjal and sautéed black gram and pepper in a mixer. Grind it well and serve. This can be eaten with rice along with a suitable side dish.


Pathya - Wholesome diet. Suitable for the channels of the body and normalizes it.
