- Tender ones reduces 'Vata' and 'Pitta' and increases 'Kapha'
- Ripe ones reduces Vata and Kapha and increases 'Pitta'
- Select tender cucumbers that are sweet
- Cold in potency relieves 'Pitta'
- Light to digest
- It is a diuretic
- It relieves thirst, exhaustion, burning sensations and bleeding diseases
- It helps both in high and low blood pressure and nervousness
- It is very good for ulcers
- The seeds add to the energy and cold
- It is also a diuretic
- Various minerals in this vegetable give it its properties. Alkaline minerals make up 2/3rd of all the minerals present in the cucumber. It has a fair quantity of potassium and Vitamin C.
Sanskrit name: Trapusa
Botanical name: Cucumis sativus
English name: Cucumber
Tamil name: vellarikkai
- Tender cucumber - 2
- Yogurt - 1 cup
- Rock salt - to taste
Select the tender and soft cucumber, chop it along with the seeds, add yogurt, rock salt and mix well and serve.