
Jin Shin Jayatish

It is believed that God created human being out of his own energy, and while he was connected closely with Him, he was fit and healthy. Slowly, as man began to get self-involved, he left the sanctuary of the spirit. The balance of energy thus got disturbed and resultant blocks caused innumerable disease. To combat this and remove the blockages, man sought methods to keep healthy, mentally, physically and spiritually. As the days passed by, even this knowledge was obscured, till it was rediscovered and revived by great sages. One method of healing - Jin Shin Jyutsu - was revived by sage Jiromurai of Japan, who introduced it to 20th century culture. He referred to this art in many ways including the art of happiness, the art of longevity, the art of benevolence and finally Jin Shin Jyutsu, literally translated " the Creator’s art through compassionate man/woman."

Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient holistic healing art, which is gentle and non-invasive. While it is difficult to say exactly where it began, there are evidences of it in many ancient cultures. Ancient Egypt, India, China and Japan all have historical evidence that indicates that, what we now call Jin Shin Jyutsu, was known in those cultures as well. This art was handed down by word of mouth for centuries. As with any oral tradition, the true essence and accuracy of the art eventually became altered, watered-down and called by different names. This resulted in the emergence of many modified versions. There exists however, one text where the art was written down in its entirety, though cryptically. That was in a Japanese text written as a creation story called Kojiki.


This healing technique is an art that can be learnt easily by anybody, as it is simple and easy to practice. It does not involve any pressure or massage. Gentle holding of specific points in specific patterns assists the release of energy blockages in the meridians, simultaneously healing it.

Jiromurai studied the Kojiki text and discovered that the story was the symbolic awareness of Jin Shin Jyutsu. The gods and goddesses their characteristics actually represent the different energy flows and safety energy locks within each of us. Jiromurai describes energy as moving in definite pathways. They move all around our body in the ascending and descending order in front and back of the body and upper and lower side and right and left side of the body. These pathways of energies are known as flows. Jin Shin Jyutsu identifies 26 “safety energy locks” (SEL’s) where energy concentrates along the pathways. These sites act as circuit breakers, shutting down and restricting the flow of energy, to protect the body when injury or the abuse of everyday physical, mental and emotional stress occurs.


Fear, according to Jiromurai, is the cause of all disease. Apart from this worry, sadness, anger and pretence are also responsible for causing disease and are called attitudes. If these attitudes are corrected, healing takes place and our whole body gets harmonized physically, mentally and spiritually.

Not diagnosis, but harmonizing is the purpose. The practitioner first “listens” to the pulse by holding both wrists. This indicates which areas of the body are weak and need balancing. Touch—gentle, steady and never forceful, is applied to spots corresponding to specific areas in the body, supporting the natural flow of the body’s energy.


Breath is very important in Jin Shin Jyutsu. Exhaling removes all stagnant and blocked up energy and inhaling after that makes us receive purified energy and this becomes one cycle. This cycle is repeated for 36 times as and when required to keep ourselves energetic and full of vitality.

Jin Shin works with 26 energy release points. Each point has a number, and each number has a number flow. These number flows are the many different ways the body verbalizes and expresses itself. For example, flow #
