


Reiki is omnipresent, universal life force energy. It controls depression and helps to develop positive thinking.

Holistic healing is a unique treatment method, which envelops several treatment modalities that are traditionally employed to manage a health condition; it also serves as complementary therapy to conventional medicine.

Holistic healing comprises of Reiki, Pranic healing, Meditation, Yoga, chanting of Mantras, Vedic chanting, Sound and Color healing, Magnetotherapy, Nature cure and many more.

During these days of stress and tension, many prefer to seek help from one of the holistic healing methods listed above, because these methods are harmless and devoid of side effects. Besides, they are complementary to all recognized fields of medicine.

Holistic healing methods are employed for quick healing and confidence- building measure. At the time of crisis, people tend to trust someone or some power which is super human. Reiki being a ‘Divine Power’, works wonders.

Reiki is considered as a very effective healing method for almost all diseases connected with the mind, body and spirit. It is abundant energy, drawn from the cosmos, which bestows ample power on the seeker.

It is important to seek and invoke Reiki to receive the energy through your palms. Any layman can practice it with ease. There are no restrictions on time, religion, language, place or hygiene.However, a serene atmosphere will help to attain the goal faster.

This method is useful to both the young and the old, because it does not need special time and energy for practice. While traveling, cycling, jogging, sleeping or even bathing, we can invoke Reiki and the energy will pass through us.

However, one needs to get attuned to Reiki, by an efficient Master, through effective Reiki practice. All that one needs to do is seek help and it arrives!

Reiki Healing through Hands or Laying of Palms


Human Face

Human Face

Different Levels

There are three levels of Reiki and all of them have their significance.

1. The first level of Reiki starts after attunement with invocation.This level is like learning alphabets. One is required to place the two palms on the body parts, feel and be aware of them. This level increases body awareness more than the mind and soul.

A schedule of 21 days’ practice leads to the attainment of purification and awareness of body-mind functions. Within 3to4 days, the awareness increases and one feels the vibration in the palms. It is the indication of energy passing through the hands to other body parts.


2. The second level of Reiki practice brings more knowledge and awareness.

At this level, body consciousness clubbed with mind consciousness elevates the healing powers of the practitioners. Second-degree Reiki practitioners can heal themselves besides practicing distance healing. They also become conscious of the ethereal body surrounding the physical body. Second-degree practice involves the use of symbols.

3. The third level practice adds more symbols to second degree symbols and increases the power manifold. It consists of advanced levels of practice, including Reiki meditation.One who practices the third level is known as the ‘Master’.


A Reiki master is fluent in all the three levels and is empowered to attune others into the Reiki fold. During initiation or attunement the chakras are fine- tuned to receive ‘Ki’ – the universal life force energy.In due course of time a master becomes a spiritual ‘guru’.

Reiki for All

Reiki opens the chakras and clears blockages. This restores the harmonious flow of life force energy.

One can actually visualize white light passing through the chakras and removing the blockages. Reiki attunement strengthens the aura and enables the practitioners to have control over their lives.Healing at different levels can be attained.

Mental and physical relaxation coupled with concentration at work is the primary need of the day. If worry, need, desire and other negative aspects in our lives are removed, humanity can enjoy the fruits of serenity and inner peace. Reiki brings into our lives all these salient qualities of success, leadership and personality development.

Reiki and Students

Though Reiki is known to benefit all, it is more so for students because of their age, distraction, stress and emotional distress. Reiki practice brings relaxation to body and minds. It clears the mind of confusion, vulgarity and violence.

Moreover, the practice of Reiki is not time- consuming but energy- rewarding. Reiki helps students in the following way:

  • Alleviates the unknown fear regarding self / exams.
  • Provides immediate relief from insecurity, inferiority complex and anxiety.
  • Increases their concentration and helps to achieve goals.
  • Strengthens their body and mind to make them overcome difficulties.
  • Inculcates ‘Positive Thinking’.
  • Awards mental peace, which gives them the qualities of self-reliance, confidence and decision- making powers.

A Reiki master will attune students and help them to practice Reiki meditation.

Reiki and Senior Citizens

Elderly senior citizens have numerous health and adjustment problems with the family and society. Practicing Reiki regularly is the best method to get peace, and sound health.

Reiki heals all pains and heals diseases. This energy cleanses the chakras and makes them function better.Reiki develops positive thinking; hence depression and low self-esteem become things of the past.

Reiki and Women

A woman plays different roles from a docile home-maker to a responsible bread winner. While playing such roles, she may overlook her personal needs and may suffer from various psychosomatic disorders. Reiki is the only, easily available panacea for these worn out, multi-faceted women of today.

A woman may invoke Reiki by laying her hands on the ailing part of her body and by feeling the energy flowing through her fingers to that part. She can practise reiki anywhere at anytime- while traveling, reading, watching T.V. or lying down to sleep; and not complain about lack of time.

Reiki gives immense peace to a stressed woman; she feels refreshed, is revitalized to serve her family and society better.

Reiki helps the fair sex in the following way:

  • Helps young girls to attain puberty at the right age and live healthy lives.
  • Helps young girls to keep away from un wanted distraction.
  • Young ladies get that extra spring in their steps to play multiple roles efficiently.
  • Pregnant women can harbor good thoughts and good effect, thus overcoming the delivery blues.
  • When healthcare professionals administer Reiki in labour wards, child birth becomes a not-so-painful experience.
  • Young mothers’ dream of healthy, intelligent babies can become reality through visualization. Reiki, combined with visualization leads to miraculous manifestations.
  • Alleviates all anxiety connected with pre-natal and post natal care.
  • Helps to prevent body and mind disorders like debility, depression, dejection and amnesia.
  • Works as panacea for all ailments and pain.
  • Women of menopausal age can pre- empty the problems connected with meno-pause- migraine, excessive bleeding, uterus removal or cysts.
  • Elderly women gain more knowledge about themselves, the family and the world with the wisdom that they have got due to continuous practice of Reiki.
  • They gain metaphysical knowledge and easily achieve detachment with the materialistic world and attach themselves to ‘The Almighty’.

The Science of Reiki

The seven chakras correspond to the endocrine glands that secrete harmones. If the chakras are healthy and well-balanced, then the hormonal secretion promotes good health. Any hormonal imbalance can make the body ill-equipped to fight disease.

Physical discomforts develop into mental problems, which label the individual as a social misfit. At this juncture holistic healing methods help to heal with effortless ease.

  • Root or Mooladhara Chakra situated at the base of the spine corresponds to adrenal glands. These glands keep man healthy by maintaining healthy kidneys, quality blood and good growth.
  • Hara or Swadhishthana Chakra corresponds to gonads, which control bladder, uterus, sexual organs and kidneys.
  • Manipura or Solarplexus corresponds to pancreas which controls stomach, intestines, liver, heart and lungs.
  • Heart or Anahata Chakra corresponds to the thymus, which controls thymus gland, circulatory system and heart.
  • Throat or Vishuddhi Chakra corresponds to thyroid gland, which controls throat, neck, arms, hands, mouth and tongue.
  • Third Eye or Ajna Chakra corresponds to pituitary gland, which controls nose, ears, nervous system, hypothalamus and eyes.
  • Crown or Sahasrara Chakra corresponds to pineal gland which controls upper brain and right eye.

Life energy or ‘prana’ is linked to both body and mind. When body and mind function well, energy or prana flows freely and uniformly. Any negative thinking or depletion of energy to any of the chakras can lead to malfunctioning of the glands, resulting in ill health. Consequently we must energize the chakras and empower them to function effectively through holistic healing methods and Reiki is one of the best methods.

It is said that more and more Americans are turning to holistic healing methods along with traditional medicine because recovery is faster and without side effects.

Research Work

JAMA-Reiki site says that more and more Americans are turning to Complementary and Alternate Medicine (CAM), because they are disenchanted with mainstream medicine. It also states that people who use CAM generally belong to the more educated and higher economic strata.

A research study was done on homeless American youth using alternate medicine. The research shows that approximately 66.2% of the respondents reported chronic health problems including asthma, back pain, stomach pain or headache. Moreover, 26% reported mental health issues such as stress, anxiety or depression. A little more than 87% of the youth reported that they were helped ‘some’ or ‘a lot’ by CAM.

Kathleen M.Fairfield, and colleagues have done original investigation on 180 HIV- infected patients. Among them 81(45%) visited CAM providers. According to them HIV patients using CAM, make frequent visits to CAM providers report considerable improvement.

Respondents reported receiving information about CAM from newsletters for patients with HIV (62.2%), friends or family members (51%) and physicians (47.2%).

The researchers also identified through medical chart review that three patients chose alternative therapies instead of conventional ones.

The researchers have concluded that patients with HIV seem to use CAM for a variety of reasons, most importantly to relieve pain or neuropathy, to relieve stress or to treat weight loss and nausea.

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