
Reiki and Aura

What is Aura?

Aura is the energy field emanating from the surface of a person or object. This energy field is made up of electromagnetic energies that not only goes around the physical body of a living person, but also moves within the body. Auras keep changing according to a person’s mood and environment.

Human aura is a multilayered energy field that is generated by chakra energy centers. Meditation enhances the electromagnetic energy of an individual.

Auras extend upto four feet from the body. There are seven auras in the body. Each of the auric layers correspond to the seven main chakra energy centers.

1. Base Chakra - Etheric Aura
2. Sacral Chakra - Emotional Aura
3. Heart Chakra - Mental Aura
4. Throat Chakra - Etheric Template Aura
5. Brow Chakra - Celestial Aura
6. Crown Chakra - Ketheric Aura

Aura Bodies

1. Etheric Aura

This extends to about two inches out from the physical body and is usually blue in colour. This aura is associated to health and physical condition of the body.

2. Emotional Aura

This extends to about 2-4 inches from the physical body. Aura appears as rainbow coloured clouds. It is associated with feeling. Positive feelings emanate bright colours while negative feelings give out dark colours.

3. Mental Aura

This extends to about 4-8 inches from the physical body. It is yellow in colour. It is associated with our thoughts and mental processes. Our mental aura appears bright if the thinking is active.

4. Astral Aura

This extends to about 8-12 inches from the physical body. This also appears as rainbow coloured clouds. It acts as a bridge between the physical world and the spiritual realm.

5. Etheric Template Aura

This extends to about 12-24 inches from the physical body and appears as a blue print form. It holds the etheric aura in place.

6. Celestial Aura

It extends to about 24 inches from the physical body and appears as a shimmering light of light colours.

7. Ketheric Template Aura

It extends to about 36-48 inches from the physical body and appears as an extremely bright golden light. It protects everything within its boundaries.

Reiki influences the aura bodies. Attunement is a sacred process of initiation to reiki. Attunement strengthens aura and enables the practitioner to have control over his life. This means it enables the practitioner to easily access the reiki energy (universal life force) for the purpose of healing a person or a situation. Only a reiki master can impart Reiki attunement, which is a powerful healing in itself.









