Alternative Therapies for Stress Relief - Color Therapy and Visualization
Seven ‘chakras’ in our body are associated with the seven colours of the rainbow. By internally visualizing these colors, one can burst the stress-related problems.
Following are the colors related to each chakra
Root or Muladhara Chakra ---->Red
Swadishtana or Hara Chakra---->Orange
Manipura or Solar Plexes--------->Yellow
Heart or Anahata Chakra------->Green
Throat or Vishuddhi Chakra---->Blue
Third Eye or Ajna Chakra------>Indigo
Sahasrara or Crown Chakra---->Violet
The following Meditation method works for stress relief. It is part of Color Visualization or Rainbow meditation or Reiki Meditation
- Sit cross-legged or lie down on a mat.
- Close your eyes and direct the vision inward- to the Chakras.
- Visualize white light passing through the Sahasrara Chakra to other Chakras.
- Rotate the light from front of the spinal chord to the Root Chakra and back of the spinal chord to the top. That is, the white light rotates within us keeping the spinal chord as the center point.
- While doing so visualize white light changing to respective colors of the Chakras. One can even meditate on one chakra and one color at a time on one day. This is also known as Chakra Meditation.
It hardly matters whether one is attuned for Reiki or not but Reiki attunement will enhance the power to heal.
Wearing clothes of soothing, natural colors help to assuage bad feelings and emotions. Sky blue and green colors create happy atmosphere. One can overcome depression by decorating the living room or work place with bright colors. Visiting fields and farms to gaze at the greenery helps enormously.