Alternative Therapies for Stress Relief - Yoga Therapy
It includes Pranayama, Meditation and Yogasanas Pranayama and Meditation Technique
The simplest of meditation techniques is to close the eyes and concentrate on the breath. The state of the breath is directly related to the state of the mind. Anger and anxiety makes the breath shallow, faster and uneven.
Meditation guides the mind to focus on the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation. In due course of time the irregularity is corrected to one of deep and regularized breathing. This brings back peace to a person.
Another way is to mentally project a picture or point or color in front and just direct the inward vision to that. If it is done for ten to fifteen minutes per day it can balance the chakras and bring back peace. It is also known as Alfa Meditation.
Meditation is scientifically proved to be useful in treating patients with mental problems. IT brings a healing effect to the agitated brain and is, therefore, recommended by doctors and psychotherapists.
While Savasana (corpse pose) and Makarasana (crocodile) can bring peace, Pawanmuktasana, Sarvangasana and Halasana can bring mental clarity.