
Facial Hair Removal and Bleaching

Feminity and facial hair - don't go together although some have to combat this nuisance more than others. Facial hair makes women feel unattractive and unfeminine causing them to feel stressed and less confident.

All women have facial hair - just like men, men have a darker and thicker growth, Some women have more than their fair share of hair while some are blessed with downy fuzz.

There are some factors, which affect facial hair:

  • Due to heredity
  • Stress
  • Hormonal changes
  • Menopause
  • Steroid creams

There are some methods by which facial hair can work wonders at home:

Tip 1: 1 egg white

1 tablespoon sugar

½ tablespoon corn flour

Blend egg white with sugar and corn flour. Apply this sticky paste thickly wherever needed and leave it on till it dries. Gently peel off. Repeat the process 2 -3 times a week.

Tip 2: 2 tablespoons lemon juice

1 cup water

1/4th cup honey

1/4th cup gram flour

Make a paste of the above mentioned items, first wash your face. Apply paste till it hardens, with a face loofah, scrub in the opposite direction of hair growth. Wash face gently. Repeat every second day for 2 months.

Tip 3: 1 tablespoon gram flour (chick pea)

1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder


Water to make a paste

Rub well with fingers in the opposite direction of hair growth. Leave for 15 minutes and gently wash face. Repeat everyday for 2 weeks.

Tip 4: 1 tablespoon of gram flour (chick pea flour)

1/4th cup of milk

½ tablespoon of milk cream

Blend together to make a paste. Apply thickly in the same direction as hair growth. Wait for 20 minutes or till it dries - scrub off the paste in the opposite direction. This may irritate the skin as fine hair is pulled off. When regularly done will definitely show a remarkable change.

Tip 5: 1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 tablespoon sugar

½ a cup of water

Apply on unwanted hair and massage into hair growth in the same direction as hair. Wash gently.

Tip 6: 1/2 cup of dry apricots

1 teaspoon honey

Powder the apricots and mix it in honey. Apply on the face and scrub gently. Wash after 20 minutes.

Tip 7: Use a pumice stone gently. Over time the removal will be permanent.

Unless you are a man forget about shaving facial hair - it is very temporary and the hair returns thicker and denser.

Threading extra hair on eyebrows, upper lip and chin area is a good method, which can be done in a salon.


Many women use depilatory creams - these have chemicals and at times can burn sensitive skin causing skin blemishes and scars.

When facial hair is fine and downy - bleaching will be good idea - as it lightens hair - making it less visible.

Bleaches without Chemicals:

1. Tomatoes are good as bleaching agents - slice a tomato and gently rub it all over the face. Leave it on for 5 minutes and wash face.

2. Mix equal quantity of lemon juice with honey, apply on face and leave for 20 minutes before rinsing face. Repeat twice a week. This works well as a bleach.

3. Mix ½ a cup of ripe papaya pulp with 1 tablespoon of milk. Apply a thick paste and rub gently into facial hair, leave for 10 minutes before washing.

4. To ½ a cup of orange peel powder add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. This paste not only lightens facial hair - it also exfoliates the skin - leaving a radiant glow on face.


This can be done at home and the cold wax can be prepared in the kitchen.

2 cups of sugar

½ cup of water

¼ cup of lemon juice


In a pan bring the mixture (sugar + water + lemon juice) to a boil on medium heat. Remove and use while still warm. The extra can be stored in a jar.

Dust the area with powder or corn flour. Apply this sticky paste with a butter knife. Place a strip of clean cloth over the solution and press down with fingers. Wait for 2 minutes and hold the end of cloth firmly and jerk off. Repeat as required.

Take care while doing this, if done incorrectly or very often skin can become loose and sag.

For women where the facial growth is dark and dense laser treatment definitely is an expensive option, electrolysis is a bit cheaper.












