Tips For Radiant and Glowing Skin During The Holidays

Tips For Radiant and Glowing Skin During The Holidays

Skincare Tips For The Holiday Season

‘The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart.’ - St Jerome

With just few hours into the Christmas festivity; the frantic and last minute shopping, event management, socializing and other holiday planning robs us of time that we allot for our own well being. Sleep, skin care and health become the immediate causality. But winter and hectic activities, make it necessary to adopt a consistent skincare, so that our skin does not lose its sheen in the mids of all the festive planning.

Skincare Tips For The Holiday Season


The easiest thing to do is to drink enough water to keep the body hydrated. Dehydration reflects on the face as wrinkles, with dull and tired outlook. If you are traveling, carry a flask with you. Do not swap water with cold drinks, diet soda or other sugary cocktails. You can make fruit and herbs infused water and sip your way to healthy and glowing skin.


Learn to de-stress with yoga and breathing techniques. Alternate nostril breathing or belly breathing can be done anywhere and even during travel. Choose a yoga regime of at least 5 minutes daily which should include planks and twists. Sleep for at least 6 to 8 hours.

Keep a planner and use mind planning to make tasks easier so that unnecessary stress can be kept at bay.

Skin Care Routine

Never miss the daily skin care routine of exfoliation, cleansing and moisturizing. If you are looking for natural remedies from every day home products, these skin beauty tips will be of great help.

  • Exfoliation – Brown sugar and coconut oil mixture [or any other oil subject to availability like olive oil, almond oil] can be applied and rubbed gently over the skin.
Exfoliate Your Skin with Brown Sugar & Coconunt Oil
  • Toning – Use egg white or apple cider vinegar to tone up the facial muscles.
  • Moisturizer – Choose a heavy moisturizer of any good brand. Apply moisturizer not only on the face, but also on the neck, and the rest of the body. You can apply coconut oil on face overnight. This is a very effective method to fight skin blemishes, wrinkles and fine lines in the long run. Serums are also a popular way to protect from dry winters.
  • Sunscreen – Sunlight during the winters can be harsh. Do not forget to wear your sunscreen

What Do the Lips Say

Always carry a lip balm with you. Many lip balms have SPF protection as well. Lip balms give a shimmering and colored glow to the lips.


Consume healthy fats and seasonal fruits to avoid the wear down look. Avocado, olive oil, nuts contain heart healthy monosaturated fatty acids. Avoid refined flour and refined sugar that adds to the blemishes and fine lines on the face. Choose moderate drinking. Milk thistle and green tea help detoxify the liver.

Protect from Dry Cold

Avoid long hot showers, as they rob the skin of its vital oils. You can use body butter, body oil after the showers. Gently pat yourself dry with a towel. Use lukewarm water for the hair as well.

Avoid skin tight clothes and keep the skin well covered with gloves, woolens and socks.

5 minute Makeup Routine

Makeup can augment the glow on the face. But if your schedule is too tight, simple five minute routine can be resorted to.

  • Skip the foundation - Covering the face all over with a foundation, can be time consuming. Opt for a concealer that can be patted into the skin with a sponge or just fingers.
  • Use Cream Blush - Instead of using a powder, sculpting, you can use a cream based blush. Blush is good façade to tired looking face. Blush can be applied on the high part of the cheekbones. Brush strokes should be towards the hairline.
  • Highlight the Eyebrows – Instead of layering colors on the eyelids, highlight the eye brows. Eye mask can be used for tired looking eyes.
5 Minute Makeup Routine - Highlight the Eyebrows

Makeup Tips

  • A glossy lip stick may be better than dark ones for some of them.
  • To add volume to the lips, lip liner can be used not just to line the outside, but also to line up the whole lip. For pale lip color a natural lip liner can be chosen.
  • Black mascara with extra strokes on the outer lashes and eye curler can lift up the dull eyes.
  • Bronzer under the cheekbones towards the hairline can augment the natural glow of the face.
  • Primers and face mask can also be chosen.

These preps will keep the skin glowing and healthy and add to your confidence and enthusiasm.

‘Beauty is truth’s smile when she beholds her own face in a perfect Mirror.’ - Rabindranath Tagore
