Q: Which doctor treats arthrogryposis?
A: The condition may be diagnosed by a pediatrician (child specialist) but treatment involves a team of specialists including physiotherapist, occupational therapist, orthopedic surgeon and other surgeons as may be required.
Q: Can we cure arthrogryposis?
A: Arthrogryposis is a condition where treatment improves the joint motion and the muscle function to enable the patient to lead a near normal life. But, there is no complete cure.
Q: How does genetics contribute to arthrogryposis?
A: Arthrogryposis is a clinical finding due to various underlying causes, but not a diagnosis. Some underlying causes of arthrogryposis are genetically predetermined.
Q: What is Freeman-Sheldon syndrome?
A: Face, hands and feet are involved in this syndrome. Distal arthrogryposis with craniofacial anomalies is seen.