
Asthma - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which specialist should I consult if I have Asthma?

You should consult a General Physician or Respiratory Care Physician who also are called Pulmonologists.

2. Is there a cure for asthma?

Asthma can be controlled effectively by medicines especially inhalers. These are safe to use and have minimum side effects, if any. Asthma cannot be eradicated from its roots as this is more of a hypersensitivity response of the body to certain allergens. One should accept the disease and learn to prevent an acute attack.

3. Does it run in the family?

Yes, there are documented cases where heredity also is one of the factors causing asthma.

4. Will I get it if I get repeated attacks of cold?

Contrary to popular belief, asthma has nothing to do with common cold. Asthmatic attacks can occur in spring when the pollen count is high. High pollen count can also cause sneezing and running nose.

5. Will traditional medicine cure me of asthma?

Traditional medicine has always been used to treat asthma and fish medicine is one such medicine. Its effect is still being studied. There are no scientific studies to prove the claim made by the practitioners.

6. Will I get asthma if I am allergic to dust?

Maybe. This is one of the predisposing causes for asthma.

7. Is it true that inhalers should not be used by asthmatics because they are addictive?

Inhalers are very important in the treatment of asthma. They are not addictive.

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