Health Tips
Some of the preventive strategies for babesial infections are elaborated as follows:
Property modifications: Individuals should plant vegetation that does not attract deer. The grass should be mowed regularly and leaf litter must be removed at periodic intervals. Deer populations need to be controlled to prevent the spread of tick-borne infections. Mice may be controlled with adequate precautions, such as sealing walls. Fences can keep deer out of the property. Acaricidal sprays on mice can reduce ticks that breed on them. Similar sprays may be used on deer.
Personal precautions: Individuals must avoid areas that are infested with ticks in the spring and summer. If individuals venture out into wooded areas or meadows, it is advised that they cover their body with clothing. Trousers can be tucked into boots and hands can be covered with long sleeves. If the body is exposed, DEET-containing products may be applied to the skin. In addition, clothes may be sprayed with permethrine to prevent ticks from sticking to the clothing. One must remove ticks from clothing with tweezers at the end of a field trip. There are no preventive medications that can be taken in the event of a tick bite.
Community precautions: Blood donating agencies prevent individuals with a history of babesiosis to donate blood. This reduces the risk of blood transfusion-induced babesiosis.