Bigorexia / Muscle Dysmorphia - Frequently Asked Questions
1. Which doctors treat bigorexia?Bigorexia is usually treated by a psychiatrist.
2. Why is bigorexia also known as reverse anorexia?
Anorexic individuals have a fear of weight gain and hence follow rigid diets to meet their goal. On the other hand, individuals with muscle dysmorphia are worried about how to increase muscle mass and become bulkier. They, therefore, follow extreme diets though very much different as compared to those with anorexia.
3. What are the various health complications associated with bigorexia?
The most common health complications of bigorexia are injury to muscles, joints and tendons, health hazards due to overuse of steroids and body-building supplements, poor social and professional life, anxiety, depression and even suicidal tendency.
4. Which is the treatment of choice for bigorexia?
Cognitive behavioral therapy in combination with antidepressants is the treatment of choice for bigorexia.
5. Which are the most commonly recommended antidepressants to alleviate depression in bigorexic individuals?
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) like fluoxetine are the commonly recommended antidepressants to treat bigorexic individuals.